Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cyril Panganiban

My name is Cyril Panganiban, I am a sophomor, I like to play the violin and i've been playing for three years. I speak english, tagalog, and a little bit of italian. I have a baby sister who was just born at July 18, 2011 and im the oldest child. I'm fifteen and a half years old, my birthday is in December 12, 1995. I came here in America in 2006, I lived in the Philippines for ten years and I loved living there. Well thats all for now I'll see you at school!!


  1. Awww, your baby sister looks so small :)

  2. Dang, it sucks your moving to Japan >.>

  3. This is for everyone, because everyone does it: capitalize English, Tagalog, Italian. :)

    Great picture, by the way...
