Sunday, July 31, 2011

That's deadline! If it wasn't on time, it doesn't count!

Final Salute

The "Final Salute" was a good way to learn about the Habits of Mind. Ms. A also did a good job preparing us for our test by using her power points.


In english, we took a test that was fairly easy. I think I did pretty good on it. I wouldn't have felt so confident in taking the test if it wasn't for Ms. A preparing us for it. Thanks Ms. A for being a great teacher.

Ms A's powerpoints

Earlier this week Ms.Amezcua made a powerpoint that was sad and interesting at the same time. I really appreciate the work Ms. A puts in on all the powerpoints that she has made for us. Thank you Ms. Amezcua for doing what you can to make learning more fun and interesting. :)


The test we took was fairly easy, I like how we have a guide on how to take the test.

On friday...

In English class on Friday, we took a test on basic English skills such as annotating, and part of the Habits of Mind that we need to learn. Earlier in the week, we also learned how to site sources that we obtain from other materials. This lesson taught us how to avoid being accused of plagiarizing.

Earlier this week...

During a session of class in English this week, we learned about annotating texts correctly. I'm still a little confused on how to annotate and what it is though. However, the lesson helped, so I should be able to annotate texts now!


If you can't wait until tomorrow to see your quiz grade, you can check Class words are listed on the webpage. Your ID number is your password.

Blog posts are graded as well. However, I wont post those until tomorrow morning.
Thanks guys!

CAHSEE English Packet

I am so happy we got the English packet to help us on the CAHSEE. With the packet I know its gonna help me alot on the test! The texts, annotations, and questions are good exercises to help prepare us for the test.
On Thursday we read through a big packet. I thought it was going to be boring but it turned out okay because we got to think pair share. We also took a fake test to see if we were learning.

Test Taking Skills

I was really scared about the CAHSEE and other tests before because they are SO important during highschool and in college! But the skills we learned really helped and I feel confident I can understand the tests and its materials.

The Final Salute

"The Final Salute" was a really interesting and fun to annotate. It was a good example of the skill description as well! It also connected to my life because my dad was in the marines and many of his good friends died. I gave him the article to read and he really enjoyed it and visited the website to see the pictures to go with it.

Were you ready?

On Friday we toke a test, I think that I did a good job on the text and I cant Wait to see what my grade will be. I bet all of you who are whoring are going to get a good grade on your test just believe. good luck out there!

Ms. Amezcua, the award winning english teacher

The English Test was so easy, I got at least an A. Credits to Ms. Amezcua for being a great teacher and having a swell taste in music. In class we learned different ways to cite text, my example was The Bible where I had to state the verse and book because each book slightly differs.
the test on friday was not very difficult. But i still hope i did good! I also feel pretty good about annotation.
so on friday we took a quiz and hopefully i got a good grade ... i kinda forgot some of the stuff in the quiz but i tried ha:)


Did you know that octopuses are a boneless creatures. They don't have a vertebral column, that is, they are invertebrates. The beak which is in the shape of a parrot beak, is the only hard structure in their body. Due to this reason, their bodies are extremely flexible and they can squeeze through incredibly small spaces. Thats another thing that was interesting to me.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Did you know the average size of a male alligator is 12 feet. Although the average weight may be around 400 to 500 pounds some male alligators may weigh as much as 1,000 pounds. Females are a little smaller and grow to an average of 8 to 9 feet in length. Thats something interesting to me.


On Friday we took a formative quiz on the notes we took throughout the week to reflect and see what we have learned so far. I believed I did good. We also annotated and corrected some of Ms. Amezcua's Accelerated 10 english class posts, I thought it was fun to correct the posts to see the mistakes they've made and learn from them.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Test !

In English , we took a test today and I really felt confident about it . At least I tried but it really helped me understand how to annotate and go over the reading skills .


Today in English we took a test. The test seemed easy, but at the same time I think I could have done better. I tried using the reading strategies we learned yesterday in class, but I kinda forgot some of the steps. >.
On thursday we worked on english test tips packit, at first it felt like It was taking a long time but after we finished the second text I though the packits stratigy was very helpful. I will use this on most if not all the english tests and if lucks on my side then I will get better grades on my tests. I hope we do more of the packit I need more practise.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today in class, we did reading strategies, which will help later on when we have texts to read or tests. I learned some interesting things in the texts that we read also.


Even though class seemed long because of the long packet we had to work on the whole time, I enjoyed class because Ms.A let us turn and talk to share ideas. It was a productive day in class & we got in 10 minutes at the end of class to work on homework. Thanks Ms.A !


I think the annotations we learned in class today were really helpful. It taught me to look at the reading a lot closer, and figure out the main idea with supportive details.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So yesterday in class, we learned about how to cite different text. The point of citing text is so you don't get accused of plagiarism. Ms. Amezcua told us an interesting fact, that plagiarism is derived from a Latin word meaning "kidnap" or something.

I Googled "plagiarism," and found out that it is derived from the Latin word, plagiarius, which literally translates to "kidnapper."