Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How shakespeare died

Shakespeare death according to John Ward's diary, him shakespeare and some other people had met up and had drinks. it seems that shakespeare has drank too much that night and tried to walk away in the rain, he caught a serious fever and shortly died that day. but people to this day don't really know if he died of a fever from being in the rain for a long period or if he was intoxicated from drinking.

Monday, August 29, 2011

New York Times

It's tough to pin down an average, since a lot depends on experience and position. If you go by the April 2007 numbers put out by the Newspaper Guild, an New York Times reporter with 2 years' experience makes a minimum of $87,000 a year. The October '06 numbers put a starting New York Times reporter at about $83,000 a year, minimum.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Friday's Class 8-19-11

In class, we read the story " And of Clay Are We Created, by Isabel Allende. It was an emotional story, about a news reporter accompanying a victim of an avalanche during her final moments. One thing i noticed about the story was that there were important quotations in the center of each page, and behind the words, were flowers that represented the girl's name. (Azucena translates to "Lily")

And of Clay..

On Friday we read the rest of the story "Of clay we are made". I found to be a very inspirational story, while we were reading it I thought the theme would be "treat the others how you would like to be treated". I think it is that because if I was in Azucena's play I would want someone like Rolf to be with me all the way through.


A book that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order and gives their meaning, or that gives the equivalent words in a different language

You can use a dictionary to find exact definitions of unknown words.

And of Clay Are We Created

This story shows a lot about the character, Rolf Carle. He is just an average reporter. Or some might say. After reading the story, I see Rolf to be a caring, loving man that would put himself aside to help another. For example, Rolf stays days with the trapped young lady, Azucena. He tells her that everything will be fine and that they will try their best to get her out of the mud she was caught in after a massive tragedy. While trapped in mud, many reporters come by to do their job. Take pictures, and ask questions. Rolf is the only one that actually wanted to help but sadly, could not do so. Azucena let herself sink into the mud and die.In conclusion, we see Rolf as a great person that puts others before himself.

Contradict:To say the opposite of what someone says
"I must say I contradict with your point of view."

Dictionary !

Definition : a book containing the words of a (spoken) language.

Sentence : A dictinary is a very often used source .

Of clay we are made

On Friday we finish the rest of that story "Of clay we are made". And it was a story i didn't expect. it was kind of emotional, but i liked it, it kept my interest! But i like the fact we were analyzing it, about what the author was doing and what was going on. Then i was able to understand a little better what was talking about! I think we should do that more often. (:


To lay down authorization; an order that must be obeyed

Of clay we are made..

On friday, we read the rest of the story called Of Clay we are Made. I thought it was very sad and emotional when the girl died. Its also sad that Rolf was completely lost after that.


People are always trying to predict what would happen next while watching a movie.
the story we read in class was very inspirational and I liked it especially when the author talks about his past and his secrets.


The social hierarchy of a pack is what maintains order, dictating who makes decisions, who mates with whom, who eats first, and who eats last. This order is constantly reinforced by displays of dominance and submission.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


In class we read & paraphrased a text. From my point of view, the paraphrasing helped because it helped me understand what was happening in the text because the story was so long, but yet interesting.


Definition: to speak beforehand; to foretell.

Sentence: Before reading a text, you should always predict what the story is about.


Dictator-one who orders people around and their word is final.
sentence: The small country was ruled by a dictator

about the story

The story we read on Thursday and Friday was very sad and interesting, i felt so bad for that girl

Friday, August 19, 2011



The jury's jurisdiction was undeniable and the judge completly agreed.


I really enjoyed class today. I thought that the story today was really good. It was a little long but I still found it very interesting. What I really liked about the story was that it was depressing which made it even more interesting to read and gave the story complexion. Overall I thought the story was great.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Kind Cop

Today we read about Jeremy Henwood who in his last hour gave a poor thirteen year old kid a meal before later dying only Min's later. I think that this is a very sad story, but this makes me ask myself what have I done lately to help others, and i think not enough.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The coach contradicted the referee's foul call because the coach thought it was a fair block.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Contradict - To say something opposite of what someone said.

The student contradicted himself when trying to make an argument.